2020: a year in review

In 2020, thanks to the support of the Government of Canada and generous Canadians, the Humanitarian Coalition responded to 14 humanitarian emergencies around the world.

Thirteen disaster responses were carried out by our members with support from the Canadian Humanitarian Assistance Fund (CHAF). Thanks to the generosity of Humanitarian Coalition donors, our members also responded to the humanitarian needs caused by a surge in violence in Northern Syria early in the year. In August, following the devastating blast in the port of Beirut, our emergency response was supported by a major national fundraising appeal, and a matching fund from the Government of Canada.

Winter Storm - Pakistan
In January, heavy snowfall, rain, and avalanches destroyed crops, livestock and livelihoods in Pakistan. Some rural areas were completely cut off from markets and health care. Islamic Relief cleared snow from the roads, provided pneumonia and chest infection medicines to local heath clinics, ran COVID-19 educational workshops and distributed cash transfers to affected families.
People helped: 51,293

Syria Crisis
Between December and March, increased violence and armed conflict forced more than 950,000 Syrians from their homes. Children, women and men were in desperate need of shelter, food, water and health care, especially during the cold winter months. With the support of Humanitarian Coalition donors, member agencies on the ground provided emergency aid to address the most pressing humanitarian needs by delivering tents, mattresses, blankets, winter clothes, jerry cans and hygiene products.

Tropical Cyclone Harold - Vanuatu
In April, category 5 tropical cyclone Harold left the island inhabitants of Vanuatu without shelter or clean drinking water. World Vision rebuilt water catchment systems and distributed mosquito nets. World Vision also worked hand in hand with a local organization that supports people with disabilities.   
People helped: 6,035

Flooding - Uganda
In Uganda, during the months of April and May, heavy rains caused floods that destroyed homes, roads and bridges. Save the Children distributed reconstruction materials and built latrines, handwashing stations and water storage tanks. Save the Children also distributed hygiene kits to expectant mothers to decrease the risk of COVID-19, the spread of cholera and other diseases.
People helped: 8,000

Tropical Storm - El Salvador
In May and June, two back-to-back tropical storms in El Salvador took the lives of 30 people and affected thousands. The two storms washed out roads, destroyed homes and businesses, and forced families into overcrowded shelters putting them at risk of COVID-19. Plan International distributed shelter repair materials as well as hygiene kits, food and play kits for children.
People helped: 6,141

Flooding - Sudan
Starting in July, heavy rainfall and flash floods that lasted for months swept across Sudan, destroying homes and schools. Islamic Relief is repairing water sources, rebuilding latrines, and distributing plastic sheets, mosquito nets and hygiene kits to families to protect from the risk of malaria.
People helped: 15,000

Lebanon Crisis
On August 4, an explosion in the port of Beirut caused devastation to the city and surrounding areas. More than 170 people were killed, 6,000 were injured and some 300,000 people lost their homes. The Humanitarian Coalition launched a joint fundraising appeal with a Government of Canada matching fund, and raised a total of $19 million. Our member agencies acted rapidly to provide food, water, medical care, trauma support, hygiene supplies, temporary shelters and cash assistance. We cleaned rubble from the streets and repaired damaged water and sanitation facilities. We have helped people repair their homes and we are providing small business support so they can rebuild their lives.

Flooding - Afghanistan
In August and September, 200 people died and many more were injured and displaced after heavy rainfall, flash floods and mudslides in Afghanistan. Oxfam Canada is repairing infrastructure and water systems, providing work opportunities for local residents. Oxfam is also providing funding and technical advice to help people rebuild weather-resistant homes.
People helped: 4,970

Displacement - Mali
In September, increased violence caused a large-scale displacement of civilians in Mali. Thousands fled to overcrowded shelters, putting them at higher risk of contracting COVID-19. In consultation with women and girls, Islamic Relief is rehabilitating water systems to provide clean drinking water. Islamic Relief is also running educational workshops on COVID-19, gender-based violence and child protection.
People helped: 6,000

Flooding - Vietnam
In October, heavy rainfall, flooding and landslides in Vietnam damaged homes, roads and water systems.

CARE is supporting ethnic minorities in Quang Tri province with cash assistance, mosquito nets and blankets. CARE is also distributing hygiene kits, running educational workshops and providing large water tanks to store clean drinking water.
People helped: 18,869

Oxfam-Québec is providing cash grants for food, education and house repairs for affected households in Ha Tinh province. Oxfam is also distributing women’s hygiene kits and organizing community-led COVID-19 awareness campaigns.
People helped: 12,000

Flooding - Cambodia
Multiple storms, heavy rainfall and flash flooding in October destroyed homes and livelihoods in Cambodia. World Vision is responding to the essential needs of families by distributing cash grants, as well as making repairs to schools and water sources.
People helped: 45,000

Tropical Storm Eta – Honduras
In November, Hurricanes Eta and Iota took the lives of 88 people and left thousands in overcrowded shelters at high risk of COVID-19. World Vision is providing mattresses and blankets and distributing hygiene and cleaning kits. World Vision is also distributing cash vouchers to female-headed households in need.
People helped: 14,625

Hurricane Eta - Nicaragua
In November, category 4 Hurricane Eta landed in Nicaragua causing two fatalities and displacing thousands, many of whom are now living in emergency shelters. Oxfam Canada is targeting the most pressing hygiene and water needs, while also distributing PPE to health care workers to protect them against COVID-19.
People helped: 12,906

Tropical Storm Eta - Guatemala
Tropical Storm Eta made landfall in Guatemala in early November, causing historic flooding and landslides. Plan International has established child-friendly spaces and counseling for families that have fled to shelters. Plan International is distributing cash transfers, hygiene kits and COVID-19 personal care supplies.
People helped: 14,740