Tropical Storm Amanda, El Salvador
People Helped
Humanitarian Needs
Tropical storm Amanda made landfall in El Salvador on May 31st, followed by Tropical storm Cristobal, causing heavy rains to continue through to June 6th. The storms affected nearly 30,000 families and led to 30 deaths. Flooding and landslides caused damage to infrastructure such as electricity and drinking water, destroyed homes and businesses, damaged roads and destroyed crops. There is a risk of disease spread, including COVID-19, in overcrowded shelters for displaced people
Humanitarian Response
To respond to the needs of survivors in El Salvador, Plan will:
• distribute hygiene kits and menstrual hygiene kits
• provide shelter repair kits, and household supplies to families with damaged houses
• ensure spaces for displaced people are free of gender-based violence; provide psychosocial support and cash transfer for survivors of violence
• provide case management for child protection
• distribute food kits to affected families as well as cash transfers to reactivate their livelihoods
• provide educational kits for study at home, play kits for younger children, and a media campaign about the importance of education

Our response to small and medium-scale disasters is co-funded by Global Affairs Canada, the member agency delivering the assistance, and donations to the Humanitarian Coalition. Your gift will help us be ready for the next disaster. Donate today.