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Frequently Asked Questions

Donations and receipts

→ Is my donation to the Humanitarian Coalition eligible for a donation receipt?

Yes. All donations over $10 are eligible for a donation receipt.

→ How do I go about making changes or canceling my monthly donations?

If you wish to make a change to your monthly donation, including changing your credit card number, expiry date, amount of donation or any personal information, you can reach us toll-free at 1-855-461-2154 extension 101, or by email at It is strongly recommended that you do not share your credit card information by email.

→ When will I receive my donation receipt?

Online donations are processed automatically, so you should receive your receipt within hours, at the email address you provided. (Please allow 24 hours for potential delays). Sometimes receipts are sent to the junk mail folder, so please make sure to check there. Donation receipts for phone and mailed-in donations are processed within a month of the donation, so please allow up to two months for delivery.

→ Why is it better to donate online?

When you send your donation online it is both cheaper and faster to process. You will receive your receipt sooner and we save the cost of printing and mailing it to you. By donating online, you are saving the Humanitarian Coalition as much as $2 per donation!

→ Can I make a cash donation?

The Humanitarian Coalition does not accept cash donations. Cash should never be sent by mail nor brought to our offices. If you are an event organizer and wish to submit your event proceeds, please use your personal credit card to submit online, write a personal cheque, request a bank draft or create a money order for the amount raised.

→ Can I donate to the Humanitarian Coalition in any currency?

Donations are only accepted in Canadian dollars.

→ Can I donate to the Humanitarian Coalition on behalf of someone else?

Yes. When you make your donation online, you will have the option of making your donation in honour of or in memory of someone. You can also send an e-card to the recipient of your choice. If you are donating by mail, please send an email to with the name, message and contact information of the recipient you would like an acknowledgment sent to.

→ Can I give money to a specific member of the Humanitarian Coalition through your website?

Funds donated to the Humanitarian Coalition are pooled together and distributed following a pre-approved fund distribution formula. Should you wish to donate specifically to one of our member agencies, you may do so by contacting them directly.

→ How can I make sure I receive correspondence in the official language of my choice?

Your language of choice is automatically set by the language in which you make your donation. For example, if you make a donation from the English version of the Humanitarian Coalition website, you will receive correspondence in English. If you wish to change your language of correspondence, please send a request to

During a crisis

→ Are you accepting goods such as blankets, food, clothes, etc.?

The Humanitarian Coalition does not accept donated goods. Financial contributions are more efficient and effective. Your donations allow us to purchase much needed supplies closer to those areas affected, thereby reducing heavy transportation costs, supporting the local economy as it gets back on its feet and ensuring that the goods we provide are appropriate to the needs of local recipients.

→ Can I adopt or sponsor a child from one of the affected areas?

The Humanitarian Coalition is a fundraising and coordination body, which supports its members’ humanitarian efforts and does not directly operate any programs overseas. For information on child sponsorship programs, please visit our members websites and contact them directly.

→ I’ve tried to donate during a crisis, but couldn’t get through on the phone. Why?

As you can appreciate, during a crisis, our call volumes can be very high. The best course of action would be to leave a message and someone will call you back shortly. Another option would be to make a donation online.

→ What happens if there are funds left over from the humanitarian relief operations?

As soon as the Humanitarian Coalition member agencies are satisfied that they can meet the immediate needs of people affected by a humanitarian crisis, fundraising will stop. In almost all cases, the needs of people affected by disasters far surpass our ability to fundraise. Any funds not used for immediate disaster relief will go toward medium-term recovery and reconstruction projects.

→ When I give money to the Humanitarian Coalition, where does it go?

All funds sent to the Humanitarian Coalition are distributed to the members in order to meet the basic needs of those persons affected by a humanitarian disaster. The funds will serve to buy food and blankets, provide shelters and clean water to those most vulnerable during and after a crisis. A small percentage of the funds donated go to maintain the administrative capacity of the Humanitarian Coalition.

→ Do Humanitarian Coalition members receive funds if they do not operate in a disaster area?

Only member agencies with operational capacity already in place in or near a disaster zone will receive funds from your donations. This is to ensure that donations reach those in need as quickly as possible. Member agencies implementing humanitarian programs are familiar with local communities, customs and suppliers are the ones who can respond the most quickly and appropriately.

General Information

→ What is the Humanitarian Coalition?

The Humanitarian Coalition is a fundraising and coordination body, which supports its members’ humanitarian efforts and does not directly operate any programs overseas. We are a network of leading Canadian NGOs determined to unite our efforts in cases of humanitarian crises. The Humanitarian Coalition has twelve members: Action Against Hunger, Canadian Foodgrains Bank, Canadian Lutheran World Relief, CARE Canada, Doctors of the World, Humanity & Inclusion, Islamic Relief Canada, Oxfam Canada, Oxfam-Québec, Plan International Canada, Save the Children Canada and World Vision Canada. For more information, check out the How We Work section of our website.

→ Why do the Humanitarian Coalition members choose to act together?

The members of the Humanitarian Coalition unite because they recognize the need for strong, decisive action, as well as early mobilization, to help the most vulnerable. By combining resources from each member agency, the Humanitarian Coalition takes the guesswork out of giving for Canadians, and reduces the wasteful duplication of fundraising costs. The Humanitarian Coalition has set a target of not absorbing more than 15% of the funds raised in administrative and fundraising costs. When lives are at stake, the Humanitarian Coalition’s appeals have one call centre, one phone number and one joint website. This makes for a much more timely response. It saves more lives. To learn more, please visit the How We Work section of our website.