The Humanitarian Coalition members are taking care of basic survival needs and helping people rebuild their lives when their homes, schools and livelihoods have been devastated by a disaster. Learn more about these crises and meet people who have benefited from your support.
Struggling with sudden health changes and no safe access to care, Jennah found help through Doctors of the World, transforming her life—and becoming a voice for women's health in her village.
Read Ali's story and learn more about how Islamic Relief provided assistance to his family in Gaza.
Discover how Plan International Canada helped Hawa and her community find hope in the midst of war.
"The flood came to us unaware in the middle of the night,” remembers Marwa. “It was terrifying.” - Learn more about how Oxfam Canada was able to help Marwa start a new life after the devastating floods.
By Bren Melles, Humanitarian Program Specialist, Humanitarian Coalition
See how Maya found strength through community and support with the assistance of our member Oxfam Canada
How relief efforts support families like Ibrahim's in Gaza thanks to Islamic Relief
How physical therapy provided by Humanity & Inclusion transformed Khaled's life
As El Niño rains devastate Somalia, cash assistance provides a lifeline for thousands of displaced families, including Cusuba’s, helping them navigate the path to recovery.
Local leadership drives recovery efforts after cyclone Mocha in Myanmar’s Rakhine state
In the aftermath of the floods in the Kalehe Territory of South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo, World Vision mobilized to deliver critical sanitation infrastructure and hygiene support that have improved public health.
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