Smaller Disasters

Noru, Fiji

Disasters are frequent, little-known, and devastating. And they are occurring more often due to climate change. They may not be newsworthy but these "small" disasters are big enough to overwhelm a country's response capacity.

When that happens, the Humanitarian Coalition is there. Around the clock. Around the world.

Humanitarian Coalition members logos

Our response to smaller disasters is co-funded by Global Affairs Canada through the Canadian Humanitarian Assistance Fund.

Humanitarian Coalition: Responding to Smaller Disasters Around the World

When a big disaster strikes, the news travels fast. We know about it almost immediately through the newspaper, social media and other ways. But every year there are many other smaller disasters that don’t make the news—but that impact tens and hundreds of thousands of people.

With support from the Canadian government, which provides 85% of the funding through its Canadian Humanitarian Assistance Fund—the rest comes from member organizations and the Humanitarian Coalition—we respond to these disasters by providing aid like shelter, household items, clean water, hygiene and sanitation supplies, health services, cash and other needed things.

In 2023 we provided over $7 millions of aid for 20 smaller disasters, and counting. This included responding to a hurricane in Mexico, earthquakes in Indonesia and Afghanistan, storms in Libya and Vanuatu, a typhoon in The Philippines, flooding in Haiti, cyclones in Myanmar, Mozambique and Peru, and refugees in Chad and Armenia, and other disasters and places. Altogether, over 200,000 people were assisted.

More Disasters, Affecting More People

The number of weather-related disasters to hit the world has increased five-fold over the past 50 years.* Real lives are affected. Read here about our most recent disaster responses:

Millions of people are impacted by disasters every year

Here are some of their stories:

In the aftermath of Cyclone Yaku (in Peru), 15 year-old Sarai found the support she needed in a child-friendly space supported by our member Plan International Canada.
Hadija receives aid from Canadian Lutheran World Relief after drought kills all her livestock
Ali, a malnourished baby recovers after receiving medical care from Action Against Hunger in Somalia
Discover the inspiring vision of Villaruel, a humanitarian worker in the Philippines who took part to Oxfam's response to Typhoon Noru.

Get Involved

Support families and communities who are devastated by disasters, around the clock and around the world. There are three ways to get involved:

Give Monthly

Your monthly contribution will ensure the Humanitarian Coalition is ready to respond rapidly when disaster strikes. You will be provided with regular updates on the ways your funds are making a difference.

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Donate Today

Your donation today will ensure the Humanitarian Coalition can respond to the next disaster. You will help provide life-saving aid, including clean water and shelter, when it's needed most.

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