Nurkaida*, 13, who fled Myanmar with her three brothers and mother, stands next to her tent in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Photo: Plan
Rohingya people faced with a very different life in refugee camps
Nurkaida*, 13, has witnessed the difficult realities of the armed conflict in Myanmar. After her father, Kalsha*, died from a gunshot wound, Nurkaida, her three brothers and their mother fled to Bangladesh for safety.
“We had our own house, cattle, a hand pump, a big toilet and I had my own room,” Nurkaida says of what life at home in Myanmar was like.
But now Nurkaida and her family, like hundreds of thousands of other Rohingya refugees, have settled into spontaneous camps around Cox’s Bazar.
“It’s so different here,” says Nurkaida “The tent is small, water is very scarce, there are no toilets and it is hard with so little food. I only have one set of clothes and everything becomes wet during the day because it’s always raining.”
On a daily basis, refugees struggle with limited or no access to basic sanitation, safe drinking water, toilets and food.
Providing clean water, food, hygiene kits, household kits, and first aid kits is a priority for all Humanitarian Coalition member agencies.
The Humanitarian Coalition’s members are already on the ground providing vital aid, including food distribution, hygiene kit distribution, emergency latrine construction, and well-pump installation.