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Ottawa school helps Stop Famine Together

“We have to find a way to get people’s attention. We have to keep famine trending”
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Todd Kelly, a teacher at Cairine Wilson Secondary School in Ottawa,
presents Richard Morgan, executive director of the Humanitarian Coalition,
with a donation from students at the school for the famine relief fund.

The end of the school year always brings new stress for high school students. There are exams, graduation, summer plans to think about.

For students at Cairine Wilson Secondary School in Ottawa, it was also a time to raise awareness of the hunger crisis affecting more than 20 million people in parts of Africa and Yemen.

Students in Mr. Todd Kelly’s World Issues course had been discussing the dire situation, in particular the lack of media attention.

“We have to find a way to get people’s attention. We have to keep famine trending,” says student Cailey Fletcher.

When the Government of Canada announced its matching Famine Relief Fund, they knew they had to do something.

Fellow student Owen Lutes says it’s essential to raise awareness, even if you have to be very persistent in getting the message out.

Despite a hectic schedule, they stepped up using the Humanitarian Coalition’s Don’t Delay, Donate campaign as a basis.

During just four days, the students raised more than $1,000 and as importantly, raised awareness of the crisis with their fellow students, teachers and parents.