Photo: Renaud Philippe

No place to hide – family flees to swamp

“Every morning, around 3 am, we would leave and hide outside of our village, returning around 7 pm to sleep. We did that for three years. We were tired. There were no aid agencies in the area. We ate fruits from trees. There is still fighting, and we cannot return. It took us seven days to walk here. Life is a bit better here in Nyal, as we can stay here all day without having to hide. But I have children, and nothing to feed them.”

We are working with award-winning photojournalist Renaud Philippe to raise awareness of the hunger crisis in South Sudan. He traveled the country and visited with some of our member agencies who are providing humanitarian assistance to those in need. These are some of the images and stories from his trip

Nyaway Luony and Manyier Jagey and their seven children had been in Nyal, South Sudan, for three weeks when this image was taken. Originally from Guat, in Leer Province, they left because of the fighting.

“Every morning, around 3 am, we would leave and hide outside of our village, returning around 7 pm to sleep. We did that for three years. We were tired. There were no aid agencies in the area. We ate fruits from trees. There is still fighting, and we cannot return. It took us seven days to walk here. Life is a bit better here in Nyal, as we can stay here all day without having to hide. But I have children, and nothing to feed them.”

In April, Oxfam distributed food to over 415,000 people as well as provided over 140,000 people with clean water and sanitation, which are equally important to keep people healthy and famine at bay.