Lebanon Crisis
Click here to find out how your donations are being used to help the people of Lebanon.
On August 4, 2020 an explosion devastated the city of Beirut and a country already challenged by economic insecurity, COVID 19 and a refugee crisis.
Canadians quickly rallied to help the people of Lebanon. The Humanitarian Coalition spearheaded a nationwide fundraising campaign that mobilized the generosity of Canadians and raised $19 million, including an $8 million matching fund from the Government of Canada.
Our member agencies have been actively providing for emergency needs including food, home repairs and medical care. They are distributing hygiene materials to help protect against COVID-19. They are offering psychological support to help children and adults deal with the trauma. And they are investing in family livelihoods and community economic recovery through small business development.
See below stories of some of the people we have helped together.