Kids in Indonesia after earthquake hit the area

Indonesia Earthquake

December 2016

People Helped


Humanitarian Needs

A 6.4 magnitude earthquake hit Indonesia on December 7, 2016, killing at least 102 people, injuring more than 600 and displacing more than 80,000 people in the province of Aceh, on the northwestern tip of Sumatra. Estimates show the earthquake damaged more than 11,500 houses, 160 store houses, 64 mosques, 94 community centres, 10 government offices and 16 education facilities.

Thousands of homes were damaged, resulting in many families sleeping outdoors, in makeshift shelters or in community centres. The earthquake also compromised clean water from community-drilled wells and sanitation facilities, increasing the risk of waterborne diseases.


Humanitarian Response

Oxfam Canada distributed water to people housed in temporary evacuation centres, cleaned and rehabilitated wells, and repaired or installed latrines in five affected villages. They conducted community education sessions on safe sanitation practices to reduce risks of waterborne diseases and provided cash vouchers to survivors so they could purchase hygiene materials locally.

They provided emergency shelter materials (tarps, tools), cleaning kits (shovel, broom, etc.) and/or tool kits to affected families and communities and offered training on earthquake resistance house construction to help communities build back better.

Family survivor of earthquake in Indonesia
In Partnership with Canada


Our response to small and medium-scale disasters is co-funded by Global Affairs Canada, the member agency delivering the assistance, and donations to the Humanitarian Coalition. Your gift will help us be ready for the next disaster. Donate today.