Impact Stories

The Humanitarian Coalition members are taking care of basic survival needs and helping people rebuild their lives when their homes, schools and livelihoods have been devastated by a disaster. Learn more about these crises and meet people who have benefited from your support.

In the aftermath of Cyclone Yaku (in Peru), 15 year-old Sarai found the support she needed in a child-friendly space supported by our member Plan International Canada.
Hadija receives aid from Canadian Lutheran World Relief after drought kills all her livestock
Ali, a malnourished baby recovers after receiving medical care from Action Against Hunger in Somalia
Discover the inspiring vision of Villaruel, a humanitarian worker in the Philippines who took part to Oxfam's response to Typhoon Noru.
After the February 2023 earthquake hit northern Syria, Basima and her family faced tough times. Their situation seemed bleak until they received assistance from the Canadian Foodgrains Bank.
After surviving devastating floods in Pakistan, Muhammad found himself stranded without his wheelchair. With assistance from Islamic Relief Canada, he received a new one, restoring his mobility and independence amidst adversity.
Omar's family gets assistance to buy food through Save the Children and the Humanitarian Coalition
Fourteen-year-old Reema who lost leg to Syrian earthquake is grateful for the help she received through the Humanitarian Coalition
Elifa's family was helped after losing their house and possessions due to Tropical Storm Freddy
Syrian family receives assistance from World Vision through the Humanitarian Coalition in Northwestern Syria
Pakistani mother gets medical help through Humanitarian Coalition following devastating flood
Assistance through Humanitarian Coalition helps Filipino family get back on their feet after storm