Hunger Crisis

hunger crisis

The number of people going hungry around the world is at an all-time high and the situation is worsening very quickly.

The rainy season has failed four years in a row in eastern Africa due to climate change. Millions of people were already struggling, then the COVID pandemic plunged more people into poverty. Conflicts in some regions forced people to leave their homes and their livelihood. And the war in Ukraine has dramatically aggravated the crisis by disrupting agricultural production and supply chains.

In Somalia alone, people are experiencing the worst hunger crisis in living memory. Almost one in six people in the country are on the edge of famine. Across Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, and South Sudan, more than six million children face or are already suffering acute malnutrition.

Women and children often suffer the most in times of crisis. Where appropriate, emergency food assistance projects provide fortified food to ensure pregnant and nursing mothers and young children can access the nutrients they need to survive.

You can help. To learn more, and to provide emergency assistance to people struggling to survive, please visit one of our member sites, below.