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How collaboration helped Rizky find his family

Rizky, Indonesian boy

When disaster struck his home, seven-year-old Rizky had no idea what had hit him. He just knew that something terrible had happened and now he was alone.

When the earthquake and tsunami devastated the Sulawesi region in Indonesia in September, the water and mud ripped through Rizky's hometown of Palu, destroying thousands of houses including his, and dispersing his family.

Support from Humanitarian Coalition member, Save the Children

Some university students who were assisting with search and rescue found Rizky alone in the ruins of his home.

They took him to the local Ministry of Social Services where, along with Humanitarian Coalition member Save the Children and other local agencies, they were helping children like Rizky find their families.

Rizky, Indonesian boy and his father

It wasn’t easy, but after a long search, Rizky’s father and grandmother were finally located and identified!

Rizky, Indonesian boy and his father and grandmother

Two weeks after the horrible day that tore them apart, Rizky was reunited with his father and grandmother in an emotional gathering with the people who had made it possible.

Rizky’s story had a happy ending, thanks to collaboration: donations to the HC Indonesia Quake and Tsunami appeal, the great work of Humanitarian Coalition member Save the Children, and all the local agents, volunteers and humanitarian workers who have been helping communities in Sulawesi, Indonesia since the tsunami struck at the end of September.

Your donation to the Humanitarian Coalition will help us be prepared to save lives and care for children when the next disaster happens.

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Photos: Save the Children