Bangladesh floods 2014

Floods in Northwest Bangladesh

August 2014

People Helped


Humanitarian Needs

In August 2014, Bangladesh was severely affected by heavy monsoon rains that caused extensive flooding and affected almost 3 million people or 629,243 households. In addition, over 30,000 hectares of rice crops were inundated and countless schools were closed. Many affected people had waist deep water in their homes and were forced to take refuge on the roofs of their houses, schools and temporary shelters, alongside their poultry and livestock. As most sanitation facilities were submerged, ground water sources were contaminated, causing a shortage of safe drinking water and threatening water borne diseases, such as diarrhea, and skin infections, etc.

map of Bangladesh in Asia


Humanitarian Response

CARE Canada intervened to meet the immediate needs of 7,000 severely affected households representing 35,000 individuals in five districts in Northwest Bangladesh. Priority was given to households with additional vulnerability factors, including widows, people with disabilities, non landowners and female-headed households.

Activities focused mainly on shelter support, provision of non-food essential items, access to clean water, and hygiene and sanitation training.

In Partnership with Canada

Our response to small and medium-scale disasters is co-funded by Global Affairs Canada, the member agency delivering the assistance, and donations to the Humanitarian Coalition. Your gift will help us be ready for the next disaster. Donate today.