Floods Benin 2015

Floods in Benin

September 2015

People Helped


Humanitarian Needs

Heavy rains caused flooding in two communes on the banks of the River Niger in northern Benin with dramatic consequences. The water rose several metres above normal levels and residents were forced to move to temporary sites.

Rapid assessments done by communal platforms in late August brought to light the urgent needs of the disaster: drinking water, sanitation and housing/shelters, along with food and livelihood support.
• Food: households reduced their food consumption from three to two to meal meal a day
• Water storage and purification systems: people were using water from the River Niger
• Livelihoods: with fields flooded, thousands of families lost their main source of income just before harvesting season. Fishermen lost their nets and boats.


Humanitarian Response

CARE provided assistance to 10,000 people affected by the floods to meet their immediate needs. Activities included:
• construction of family latrines
• transportation and distributions of WASH kits, including water purification bags
• money transfers without condition to vulnerable households
• support for the restart of fishing activities for groups of fishermen
• distribution of shelter kits or cash for rebuilding shelters for vulnerable households
• provision of technical support for building shelters

Aid to people in Benin affected by floods


In Partnership with Canada


Our response to small and medium-scale disasters is co-funded by Global Affairs Canada, the member agency delivering the assistance, and donations to the Humanitarian Coalition. Your gift will help us be ready for the next disaster. Donate today.