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Drought and famine are threatening East Africa, Northern Nigeria, and Yemen

"We call on the international community not to delay the urgent humanitarian response that is needed to avert catastrophe in East Africa, Northern Nigeria, and Yemen. The consequences of inaction are unthinkable. Our networks of humanitarian agencies are delivering lifesaving aid across the countries where people are facing starvation. We are scaling up our efforts to raise further funds in order to reach more communities and people affected by this crisis. Donations will help our NGO members to provide the urgent humanitarian aid needed to prevent further unnecessary suffering and loss of life."


Press Statement
10 March 2017

Members of the EAA are raising the alarm and serious concern over the
unprecedented situation where drought and famine are threatening East
Africa, Northern Nigeria, and Yemen

‘We call on the international community not to delay the urgent humanitarian response that is needed to avert catastrophe in East Africa, Northern Nigeria, and Yemen. The consequences of inaction are unthinkable. Our networks of humanitarian agencies are delivering lifesaving aid across the countries where people are facing starvation. We are scaling up our efforts to raise further funds in order to reach more communities and people affected by this crisis. Donations will help our NGO members to provide the urgent humanitarian aid needed to prevent further unnecessary suffering and loss of life.’


Shelly Sandall, President, AGIRE (Italy)
Manuela Rossbach, CEO, Aktion Deutschland Hilft (Germany)
Erik Todts, Director, Consortium 12-12 (Belgium)
Saleh Saeed, Chief Executive, Disasters Emergency Committee (United Kingdom)
Richard Morgan, Executive Director, Humanitarian Coalition (Canada)
Nobuhisa Iida, Secretary General, Japan Platform
Michael Opriesnig, Head of the Board, Nachbar in Not (Austria)
Per Byman, Executive Director, The Radiohjälpen Foundation (Sweden)
Arie de Kluijver, Coordinator, Giro 555 (Netherlands)
Catherine Baud-Lavigne, Deputy Managing Director, Swiss Solidarity


The Emergency Appeals Alliance (EAA)
The EAA brings together organisations of various countries, which launch fundraising appeals following humanitarian disasters: AGIRE in Italy, Aktion Deutschland Hilft, Consortium 1212 in Belgium, Disaster Emergency Committee in the UK, the Humanitarian Coalition in Canada, Samenwerkende Hulporganisaties/Giro 555 in the Netherlands, Japan Platform, Nachbar in Not in Austria, Radiohjälpen in Sweden, and Swiss Solidarity. The funds raised in each country are attributed to various partner NGOs, which carry out humanitarian projects in the affected areas. Most of the organisations work in close cooperation with the national broadcasting system in order to reduce fundraising costs and increase efficiency of the national appeal.

For more details about the EAA, please refer to the EAA Coordinator, Manisha Thomas:


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