Cyclone Idai: Canadian aid agencies work together to save lives in Mozambique

Morganda Albino from Mozambique, hit by Cyclone Idai

The Humanitarian Coalition, working through three member agencies and with the support of the Government of Canada, is responding to the needs of survivors of Cyclone Idai in Mozambique.

On March 14, tropical cyclone Idai made landfall in the port city of Beira, Mozambique, in southeastern Africa, bringing destruction on a massive scale. The winds and torrential rains have caused widespread flooding, submerging cities and towns and destroying roads, bridges and infrastructure. 

More than 240 deaths have been reported with thousands more missing. As the floodwaters begin to recede, rescuers are discovering more bodies and scrambling to airlift stranded survivors to safety.

Morganda Albino, 30, fled the rising waters with her five children in the Village of Tica, Mozambique.
“First the winds started. The next day the water flooded our home so we started running,” she said. “I saved my children but I lost my ducks, goats and my clothes. So now we have nothing to eat. We are sleeping along this road and when it rains, we will be flooded again.”

Oxfam Canada, Save the Children Canada and CARE Canada are working together to deliver life-saving emergency aid to the survivors of this disaster.


“The situation in Mozambique is desperate,” said Julie Delahanty, Executive Director of Oxfam Canada. “Our response is focused on providing water, sanitation and shelter, and we will ensure that our response takes into consideration the particular needs of women and children, who are the most affected when disasters like this strike.  We are grateful for the generosity of the Canadian government and the Canadian public, whose support makes our work possible.”

Bill Chambers, President and CEO of Save the Children, said, “As we work around the clock to gain access to more and more of the country, the needs are skyrocketing. Thanks to the generosity of Canada, these supplies will help families store and carry safe water to guard against disease, and shelter from the continuing rains. It is incredibly tough to get to communities that have been cut off by the disaster, but together we are working tirelessly to get everywhere children need us.”

Gillian Barth, President and CEO of CARE Canada, said, “In a disaster of this scale, it’s critical we work together to multiply our collective impact, save lives and help people begin to recover. CARE, Oxfam and Save the Children have a long history of partnership in Mozambique. Together, we will quickly put Canadian support into action to help people overcome the flooding and devastation from Cyclone Idai.”

Global Affairs Canada and the Humanitarian Coalition are supporting this response in Mozambique through the Canadian Humanitarian Assistance Fund (CHAF). The total contribution for this project, the first of several to be implemented by the Humanitarian Coalition in the region, is $700,000.


For media inquiries, contact us at 613-239-2154 or media at humanitariancoalition dot ca

The Humanitarian Coalition (HC) brings together leading aid organizations to provide Canadians with a simple and effective way to donate during large-scale humanitarian emergencies. The HC also partners with Global Affairs Canada to enable its member agencies to respond to lesser-known small and medium-scale disasters.