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“Don’t Delay, Donate” Challenge!

What: A person-to-person, social media engagement effort as part of the Humanitarian Coalition’s overall Stop Famine Together campaign to raise money and awareness for the hunger crisis affecting more than 20 million people in parts of Africa and Yemen. Between now and June 30, 2017, donations made to the Humanitarian Coalition through the Don’t Delay, Donate challenge will have double the impact. That’s because for every dollar donated, the Government of Canada will make an equivalent contribution to its Famine Relief Fund.

Where: On your social media networks

When: Starting June 13, 2017

Who: You and your network

Why: The more people are engaged and informed about this campaign, the more lives will be saved.
Appeals using nominations or challenges build awareness, momentum, scale and impact quickly.

- Create a social media post (examples below), with a short video or photo about what you are postponing so you can donate to the Humanitarian Coalition’s Don’t Delay, Donate challenge.
- Share your post on your social media channel(s) and nominate/tag a friend (or 2 or 3), or your whole network, to join you in postponing something so they can make a donation. Please repeat as often as you like.


Challenge Ideas:

Twitter: [This activity] can wait. 20 million people facing famine can’t. @friend, what will you put off in order to donate? @HumCoalition #ZeroFamine

Facebook: [This activity] can wait, but 20 million people on brink of starvation in parts of Africa and Yemen can’t. Don’t delay, donate! @Humanitarian Coalition / Coalition Humanitaire. Until June 30, your donation will have double the impact, as the Government of Canada will match donations into its Famine Relief Fund. What are you going to put off @friend, @friend, @friend in order to give now? Join me and post what you’re postponing, then tag three of your friends to get them involved too. Together, we can save more lives!

Examples of activities: breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffee, selfie, housework, laundry, work, training, workout, beer, walking the dog, start of a meeting, checking social media, watching a movie.


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You can also download/share these ready-made images here or below (right-click, save as).


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For more information: Please contact the Humanitarian Coalition at, 1-855-461-2154, on our Facebook page or on Twitter.